Selfie But Not Myself

Genre: Psychological, Thriller 

Synopsis: What could possibly go wrong in a Photo Booth? Serena and her friend Chloe discover the story behind their classmate’s tragic death after entering the “LIKE ME” Photo Booth.

Logline: Twisted story about beauty.


The definition of beauty was something I have always challenged in my mind as a beauty model. Throughout my modelling career I’ve realized how beauty standards can vary in different countries and that the more myself and the other models that I worked with perused those standards we started to have self image issues in our own ways. Just like business cards we want to customize our faces to show who we want to be or to match it with the new trends.



In the time that I live in, people are more drawn to plastic surgeries, and makeup techniques that allows them to completely change their faces. However, these desired faces are sometimes not exactly representing our sense of ideal beauty, but rare coming from media and brands. So, the question is do we really present our identity with our faces or are we turning ourselves into walking advertisement platforms.